Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Happy 21st bdae to me!

It has been 4 day since I turned 21…I know this post is a lil late..

Some thoughts of turning 21:
- I’m now officially an adult… I’m finally grown up!
- It’s now time to give back after receiving so much from my parents... Turning 21 comes with it the responsibility to take a more proactive role in seeing things in my family work out for the better, be it relationships, financial aspects, etc. And more importantly, salvation for my dad and sis!

An interesting fact: Some friends whom I had known for so long forgot my bdae, while some friends that I had made for less than 2 years remembered and were among the first to drop a happy bdae msg. My best fren from JC called to say happy bade from montreal! (:

Turning 21 has brought several things into perspective. One of the question I asked myself is.. out of this 21 years.. who are my real friends? Friends that I can trust.. friends who will stand by me in times of trial.. friends who will be there for me. Do I have this kind of friends? I thank God that the answer is yes..

Thinking back now.. I’m amazed by how things had changed.. God has slowly, but surely been working in my life. I’m glad that God has brought many people into my life to teach me things that can never be learnt by myself. Covenantal relationships are indeed a blessing from God.

On a final note…

Turning 21 is not about parties, expensive gifts, or fancy affairs. Gifts lose their novelty and memories fade, but true friendships last. Turning 21 is a celebration of independence, knowing that at the onset of adult life, you have friends and loved ones there by your side, those who will walk with you through the journey of life.

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