Monday, January 29, 2007


The large magnitude of school work coupled with the unexpectedly increase in serving that had hit much like a silent tsunami ever since the start of 2007 had subsided.. the waves of anxiety and paranoia has slowly retreated.. leaving in its wake not a trail of death and destruction.. but rather, quiet, comtemplative relection.

I remember countless times of telling God it's too much too fast.. slow down.. it's too much for me to handle. Everytime i open my mouth to complain, God never fails to remind me of the story of how the people had grumbled against God as Moses lead them out into the desert. In the land of suffering and discomfort.. they had lost sight of God's promise for them. Without vison, the people perish..God has already given me a vision and a promise for 2007.. and the wonder of it all is, part of it is being fulfilled even right now.

The tangible works of God.. all in His perfect timing.

1) Entry into CM as singer
2) Invitation extended for L-cell
3) Stepped up as MEX i/c
4) Adopted an SB (one who complains that a good mummy will not bully her..)

Doors opened by God? I believe so..

I am reminded once again of God's perfect timing.. of how important it is to learn all that God intended for one to learn in that special season.. bcos once that season is past.. it's gone.. and it is not until one enters into the next season that one realises how God has actually been using the past season to prepare for this one.

The path to fulfilling one's destiny is not by participating in the rat race of life.. but by entering wholly into the timely seasons of God..

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